Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Language, Innovation, Culture and Education 2015
ISBN 978-967-13140-6-7

Introspection as a Language Learning Device:From the Language Learners’ Perspective

Gerald Kochappan

Institut Aminuddin Baki, Malaysia


This paper argues that introspection on language related issues are vital if the learners of a language want to learn the target language effectively while embedding culture and technology in the learning process. A quantitative analysis based on a survey as they reflect on their language learning is discussed. These learners will explain how they have improved in their command of English proficiency over a period of time. They have also learnt many other things they explain on reflecting about their involvement in the English Language training course over a period of time. Such reflection and talking protocols are necessary so that learners can, by talking, share their learning processes with their peers and lecturers. Both will benefit from this sharing process.


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