Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Language, Education and Innovation 2015
ISBN 978-967-13140-9-8

Compliance of Adamson University (Manila) to the Accessibility Provisions of the Magna Carta for PWDs: A Basis to Develop a Program for Students with Physical Disability

Erlinda Baniaga Pulma

Adamson University Manila, Philippines


This study determined whether Adamson University, a Catholic Vincentian University in Manila, Philippines takes into account the special needs of students with physical disability as basis to develop a program for students with physical disability. It also determined the extent of compliance of Adamson University to the Magna Carta for PWDs in terms of: a) Access to quality education and b) Accessibility (barrier-free environment). The study is a combination of qualitative and quantitative study used purposive sampling technique. The respondents were twelve students with physical disability, the employees, administrators and teachers concerned with the welfare of PWD students. The researcher conducted a demographic survey of PWD students of the different colleges which served as a guide in determining the profile of the respondents. The researcher formulated guide questions for focus group discussion to elicit from the student relevant information about the extent of compliance of Adamson University on the Accessibility provisions on the law for the PWDs in the Philippines. In terms of "Access to Quality Education", the Adamson University is in Moderate Compliance with the provision of the law for PWDs. The University provides a moderate opportunity to participate in the programs but the PWDs are not given the opportunity for a maximum participation. As to "Accessibility (Barrier-Free Environment)" provision Adamson University is also in Moderate Compliance but very much lower than the Access to Quality Education. Based on the findings, the researcher recommends that: 1) Upon enrollment of students, the University should take information about disabilities of students; 2) the University should give exemption from taking PE classes to all PWD students; 3) the University should consider the condition of the students in the implementation of its policies.


Special Education, PWDs, Magna Carta, Access to Quality Education, Accessibility (Barrier-Free Environment).

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