An Effecting of Social Networking Sites and Private Banks on Iraqi Youth in American University in Sulaymaniyah City

Maad M. Mijwil, Haifaa A. Mohammed, Aya Adel Hasan
Baghdad College of Economics Sciences University, Iraq


The intensive use of social networking sites (SNS) is a phenomenon that is widespread throughout the world, with immense effects on human interaction, as well as ongoing changes in technology and changing user preferences. The main attraction of SNS is to form or strengthen networks with other people, to provide information itself or to receive from others. From a health policy perspective, the use of SNS is credited with the greatest addictive potential among all Internet activities, alongside digital games (online gaming) and the use of gambling. The use of SNS offers specific and clearly distinguishable stimuli from traditional media, but can be done through different media and for different purposes. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effect of SNS and also private banks on Iraqi youth in Sulaymaniyah city in Iraqi Kurdistan as well as the results of experimental studies conducted between students and also employees of the American University of Iraq Sulaimani (AUIS). This paper also present the tools used by companies for promotion in SNS according to different parameters and also show the advantage and disadvantages of SNS.


Internet, social networking sites, youth, promotion

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