Cross-Cultural Collaborative Online Learning Platform: Prospects and Problems

Gift Chidi-Onwuta
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Nigeria


Online collaborative learning is increasingly dominating the educational landscape in Nigeria and the world at large where it serves as an accessible and effective pedagogic tool for professional development. With the rise in teachers' population and involvement in online learning, participants must ensure that diverse cultural nuances and expressions are better managed. This study explores instructors' and learners' perspectives on accessing emergent skills through cross-cultural collaborative learning platforms. It discusses relevant challenges inherent in exchanging teaching experiences and skills via cross-cultural learning platforms. Adopting a collaborative online learning theory, the study analyzes forty (40) interviews, questionnaires, and online communications. Results show (1) pedagogic strategies that enhance cross-cultural learning, namely, team identity and role-playing, establishing norms for group members, respecting cultural differences, (2) problems of online learning platforms, namely, the use of unclear diction/code, inability to share same vision, disrespect. The study suggests the need for mutual trust and training on best practices that promote cross-cultural collaborative learning.


cross-culture, collaborative learning, collaborative online learning

Online Repository of the International Journal of Language, Literature, Culture, and Education