Technoculture and Futuristic Dystopia: A Close Reading of Miller's Conditionally Human

Mohammed Ali Hussein
Al-Anbar Educational Directorate, Iraq


The study tries to probe postmodernism, as a philosophical and critical approach, and one of its trends which is Technoculture, as a life style in postindustrial age. The study explores the tendency of the man to create and represent things even human beings in the era where everything is seen a consumable in machine-driven life. This paper shows some philosopher's definitions and theories of postmodernism and technoculture, like Jean Baudrillard who thinks that people live in a hyperreal life. This paper has a close reading of Conditionally Human by Walter M. Miller which is set in post-war time and how technology has changed the life. The study explores how science fiction as a literary genre has depicted the human life after world wars. It portrays how individuals lost the trust in technological development through the themes of apocalyptic, catastrophic and anti- utopian. The inauspicious reality of overpopulation and mass destruction which are probable after the world wars. The study shows how science fiction has shifted from portraying the amazements of technology to the undesirable outcomes of the excessive dependency on it. The over reliance on machines means that the man is subjugated and destroyable by technology.


postmodernism, technoculture, hyperreallity life

Online Repository of the International Journal of Language, Literature, Culture, and Education