Bintang Setya Mahaputra; Kartika Aditya Zafirah; Kiranti Pusparini
Universitas Islam Indonesia


Loneliness can be felt by anyone especially among teenagers, college students and young adults. It can also be felt even though they are surrounded by others and is a major setback for them because they feel that they lack in communication with others. This case may influence health, social interaction and behavior in their lives. The hypothesis in this study is that the individual satisfaction will be affected by the loneliness that they feel and vice versa. This study is determined to find the relationship between loneliness and life satisfaction among college students. This study is based on a quantitative approach with correlational results. The instruments used to obtain data is through a questionnaire. The result of the data shows that life satisfaction has significant negative correlation with loneliness among college student. For measuring level of life satisfaction, we used SWLS (Satisfaction With Life Scales) by Diener et al. (1985). For measuring the level of loneliness, we used Dejong Gierveld Loneliness Scale by Gierveld (2006). This study involves 251 participants that consists of college students from the academic year of 2017/2018 and 2018/2019. From the data analysis by using statistically pearson coefficient correlational formula showed that correlation value r = -.258 with p = 0.00, P < 0.05. From the data we have collected, we can conclude that the result is consistent with the study hypothesis that when a college student has a higher level of satisfaction the lower the level of loneliness will be. The result will be discussed in this study.


Loneliness, Life Satisfaction, College Students