Cultivation of Fresh Water with Fish-Based and Local Plant Integration Systems to Support Implementation of SDG’s In West Kalimantan Indonesia

Debby Urabi
Universitas Muhammadiyah Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia


The Kapuas River is the longest river in Indonesia, on this river there are about 200 species of fish which are have important economic values. West Kalimantan has great potential in developing freshwater aquaculture. With the geographical conditions which are divided by various river streams from small rivers to large rivers. Indonesia tends to only cultivate one species of fish (monoculture), so that the results obtained are less than optimal when compared to the cultivation of two or more species in one cultivation activity (polyculture). Another problem faced in fisheries cultivation is the presence of leftover food which is broken down in the water column which can lead to a decrease in water quality, this has a negative impact on the growth of aquatic biota and can even cause death. So it is necessary to have a cultivation system that is applied to the sustainability of cultivation activities. This paper would like to explain and aim to provide ideas for the cultivation system in Indonesia in general and West Kalimantan in particular to implement a productive, environmentally friendly and sustainable system. IMTA (integrated multi-trophic aquaculture) can be an option in the development of environmentally friendly and sustainable marine aquaculture because in its production involves several types of interrelated biota that can minimize waste from cultivation. The IMTA-based cultivation development model is very relevant to the blue economy program of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), which can increase production maximally without damaging the environment of cultivation (zero waste) so that it can lead to sustainable cultivation of aquaculture.


Cultivation Model, Aquaculture Business, Sustainable Development Goals