Universitas Islam Indonesia
This paper aims to improve students’ interest and ability in writing a research paper. Many Indonesian students want to join some events abroad, but they have no idea what to do. Here, teachers can help and guide the students by giving them such a task to improve their interest and ability. Using research paper writing (RPW) as a task is a good approach to encourage students’ reading and writing skills. Besides the task, the students also need to be more motivated English learners because motivated learners are willing to work hard to achieve their goal and they do not easily give up until they achieve that goal (Renandya, 2015). Thus, it will make the students become easier to reach the goal (join some events abroad). The writer used the qualitative method to accomplish this research. In hopes that the finding of the research can describe the process of teaching English using research paper writing (RPW) can be conducted and many students can be more motivated and join International events. At the end of the research, it can be concluded that teaching English using research paper writing (RPW) can improve students’ interest and ability in reading and writing.
Research paper writing, task, english language teaching, english language education students.