Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Language, Education and Innovation 2016

A Study on Animation Storytelling Regarding Safety Edutainment

SeolRi Kim, KeunYoung Yang, NamHoon Kim

Inje University, South Korea


Current Korean animations are produced by focusing on the Korean Educational Broadcasting System (EBS) format. The animation ‘Oops Ikooo’ was the first safety edutainment animation in Korea supervised by experts from the Korean Safety and Educational Board. The purpose of this study was to analyse the storytelling and edutainment features of ‘Oops Ikooo’ in order to ascertain the direction of the production for future edutainment animations. This study will review past research and construct a comprehensive analysis tool for storytelling and edutainment. The storytelling analysis will be categorized by character (behaviour, appearance), story (plot, background) and edutainment (education, entertainment). The results of this study are as follows: The main character, which is a little alien prince, symbolizes a child with his/her personality and body shape. The story of storytelling consists of a textbook with sequence learning objects such as; present, basic examples, basic descriptions, advanced Q&A and review. Its intended plan was for children to learn the advanced content through watching the animation. In the edutainment analysis, safety contents were categorized by household, policing, and outdoor. In addition, varying concepts were used as interest elements; such as simulations, fairy tales and news reports. A combination of 2D and 3D graphics was used to enhance and immerse the viewer/child into the story.


Korean TV Animation, Safety Edutainment, Storytelling

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