University College Cork, Ireland
Vocational secondary school was designed to help students quickly enter the workforce with hands-on training based on generic science skills. The four generic science skills that will be addressed in this study include: symbolic functioning and language, logical consistency, mathematical modeling and concept formation. This paper presents a model of generative learning for examining and investigating how effective this model related to generic science skills in physics. The independent variable in this study is the generative learning model while the dependent variables are generic science skills in physics. The design study that was used in one group was the pretest-post-test design. The data was collected from students (N = 33) grade 10 from a vocational secondary school who adopted a learning process through the generative learning model. Descriptive analysis showed an average score on students’ generic science skills test of 6.09 with a deviation standard of 2.55 before using the generative learning model. After the use of generative learning, the score was 16.48 with a deviation standard of 2.62. The results showed with N-Gain of 0.60. These findings suggest that the generative learning model can enhance generic science skills in vocational secondary school level.
Generative Learning Model, Vocational Secondary School, Generic Science Skills