Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Language, Innovation, Culture and Education 2015
ISBN 978-967-13140-6-7

E -Teaching in Teacher Education – A Conceptual Framework of Sultan Idris Education University

Kingston Pal Thamburaj, Samikkanu Jabamoney s/o Isaac Samuel

Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia


Teacher education programs are essentially institution-based. Their students need to be exposed more to the realities of school and community. Internship, practice of teaching, practical activities and supplementary educational activities are better planned and organized more systematically. Malaysian government announced that in 2020 all the primary and secondary school teachers must be graduated. In accordance to that, Sultan Idris Education University is offering the distance learning education to all school teachers. The frame work of the teaching involves e-learning. E-education involves e-teaching and e-learning along with the various administrative and strategic measures needed to support teaching and learning in an internet environment. It will incorporate a local, regional, and national view of education. This paper will be analyzing the e-teaching which involves distance learning in Sultan Idris Education University.


E-Teaching, E-Learning, online Learning, UPSI, E-Education

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