Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Language, Education, Humanities and Innovation 2015
ISBN 978-967-13879-0-0

The Effect of the 1st Language Phonology System to 2nd Language Learning: Case Study to Japanese Native Speakers

Aprilya Dwi Prihatiningtyas, Santi Prahmanati Mardikarno,

Darma Persada University, Indonesia


Learning a second language or other language after the first language acquisition can cause many problems. The issue arises because of differences in the system of grammatical or phonological system may be quite significant compared to the first language. In Japanese native speakers who learn Indonesian as a second language found that they have many problems in phonological factors, while the grammatical factor hardly find any problems. Once examined, the findings indicate that the sounds of the dominant Indonesian indistinguishable in pronunciation are [ǝ] and [u], [r] and [l], nasal sounds such as [n], [m], [ŋ], [n], and a sound approximation [h] followed by the vowel [u]. In addition to hard to distinguish the pronunciation of sounds, also found difficulty in pronouncing condition Indonesian syllable patterns, i.e. VKK, KKV, KKVK, KKVKK, KKKV, and KKKVK. This study proved that the Japanese speakers are difficult to pronounce the sounds of the unexpected and difficult is to distinguish the pronunciation. Testing is done by trying to map phonological contrasts Japanese with Indonesian and Japanese syllable patterns contrasted with the Indonesian language support. Based on the result, conducted field trials to test the pronunciation of a set of words that contain the sounds that unexpected and unpredictable to Japanese native speakers who learn Indonesian language. Results are expected to be used as a guidance to teachers in teaching the structure of Indonesian pronunciation to Japanese native speakers.


phonological system, first language, syllable patterns, sounds of language, pronunciation

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