The 2nd International Conference on Language, Education and Innovation 2015
ISBN 978-967-13140-5-0

The Teaching and Learning Strategies Used In Classroom: A Case Study in National Religious Secondary Schools (SMKA) in Selangor, Malaysia

Norfaezah Mohd Hamidin

Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor


Issues of Arabic proficiency as a foreign language in Malaysia are never-ending and have always been the concern of policy makers and interested groups. This study aims to investigate students’, teachers’ and parents’ (STP) perceptions towards Arabic teaching and learning strategies used in classroom at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama (SMKA). The study employs a qualitative method, phenomenological and thematic in-perspectives. The informants of the study were three students, three teachers and three parents from three identified SMKAs in Selangor. The participants were chosen by purposive sampling procedures. An in-depth semi-structured interview questions were used to gather the data for the study. The data were analyzed and key important themes were identified. As shown in the findings, there was lack of teaching methods in the classroom, which was the main factor of failure in teaching and learning Arabic Language. The study revealed that applying a good strategy in teaching and smart learning was the key to success in acquiring Arabic Language. Suggestions were made to overcome these problems such as enhancing method approach with Qur’ānic verses, Information Computer Technology (ICT), and Arabic materials in games, songs, comics, cartoons, Arabic comedy, and social media. The change of policy in studying Arabic Language must be carried out and the information about the importance of Arabic Language must be emphasized by the Ministry of Education because it is strongly related to the understanding of Qurʾānic language and hadith.


Teaching and Learning Strategies, Arabic Language, SMKA schools

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