The 2nd International Conference on Language, Education and Innovation 2015
ISBN 978-967-13140-5-0

The Impact of Types of Recast on Modified Output of Iranian Basic EFL Learners

Ali Elhami

Garmsar Azad University , Iran


Over the last few years, the role of corrective feedback, especially recast, has become a highly controversial issue in language learning. The study was designed to examine the impact of full recast versus partial recast on the modified output of EFL basic level learners. In doing so, it aims to help teachers to better understand the effectiveness of full recast and partial recast. 32 EFL learners at the elementary level participated in the current research. They were divided in two different groups, one included 18 and the other 14 learners. Regarding data analysis, chi Square was run to analyze the data. The null hypothesis was rejected, leading to the conclusion the superiority of full recast over partial recast in helping learners to produce modified output.


corrective feedback, modified output, recast

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