Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Language, Innovation, Culture and Education 2015
ISBN 978-967-13140-8-1

Travel Blogs as a Reflection of Thai Perspectives on Myanmar

Chothika Singprasert, Nuntana Wongthai

Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand


This paper aims to analyze perspectives on Myanmar in the discourse of travel blogs. The researchers consider linguistic strategies used by the bloggers under the framework proposed by van Dijk (2006, 2009). The data were drawn from travel blogs in the blue planet section of posted during January 2014 - December 2015. Four linguistic strategies were found: lexicon, expressions, rhetorical figures, and indirect speech. The linguistic strategies used in travel blogs on Myanmar reveal both positive and negative points of view from the bloggers. Those points of view deal with issues of way of life, occupation, geography, religion, food, accommodations and buildings, transportation, fashion, security, technology, and sanitation. Since ancient times, Myanmar has been portrayed as an enemy of Thailand by the media (textbooks, films, and TV plays). However, this study reveals that Thai travelers to Myanmar have opened their minds and changed their points of view towards their neighbor. Myanmar is no longer our enemy but a beautiful country with deep roots of Buddhism and many beautiful tourist attractions.


Myanmar, Travel blogs, Points of view, Discourse analysis.

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