Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture and Education 2015
ISBN 978-967-13140-3-6

English Composition within Multi-linguistic Challenges in Minangkabau-Indonesian EFL Students’ Writing Behaviors

Sukandi, Syayid Sandi

College of Teacher Training and Education Padang, Indonesia


Certain interesting writing behaviors emerge between students coming from homogenous but diverse linguistic environment in Minangkabau-Indonesian EFL backgrounds. Their writing behaviors show a picture of how complex it is to teach writing to students whose background is in the position of viewing English as a foreign language. In this paper, the core issue being discussed is the idea of English composition—as an intellectual pursuit among Minangkabau-Indonesian EFL students—in facing multi-linguistic challenges in the process of their studies. The focus of the discussion is put within the context of Indonesian higher education. In other words, the data that are presented in this article are taken from the emerging data existing in the classroom process in the courses of Writing at College of Teacher Training and Education in West Sumatra, Indonesia. The findings show that writing behaviors existing within each of the students’ mind reflect how they grow as new novice student writers in the Minangkabau-Indonesian EFL circle.


English Composition, Multi-Linguistic Challenges, Minangkabau-Indonesian EFL Students, Writing Behaviors

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