Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Language, Education, Humanities and Innovation 2016

Bridging the Research Gap of Brand Equity Scale Development: Viewed Through Documentary for Adoption in Thai Context

Nawaphat Sanphanyaa, Pongsiri Kamkankaew

North-Chiang Mai University, Thailand


This paper seeks to investigate how scholarly research on brand equity scale development has derived of articles publish on brand equity scale development. The references lists were compiled using the database. The authors inspected articles that used in their title involved to their research outlooks. Then we used quotation design to envision the interrelation between and among description in the area. The result presents that several scholars incorporating the attending have cited the conceptualization of Aaker’s (1991, 1996) and Keller (1993). Some scholar concentrated on comparison across culture and using mixed method to develop the scale of brand equity. Likewise, most of scholars focused on product brand equity more than service brand equity. Almost all authors as scale development in use now endure on brand equity in western theory and the western theory is designed to explain or solve the western problems. Moreover, the Thai scholars consume their concept without suspiciously the rationality that how much more their concept correlates with the Thai consumption and Thai social-culture context? Thus, the building of relevant brand equity is the requirement for epistemology and paradigm of brand management in Thailand for the reason that the brand equity conceptual building is the one operation by which consistent explanation and characterizations of distinguished are produced, confirmed and clarified for business in Thailand.


Brand Equity, Scale Development, Research Gap

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