Universiti Teknologi MARA Kedah
Culture is something which is socially learned and transmitted by members of a group and it work as a guideline or rules for behaviors in the organization (Jen-Te Yang, 2007). Culture is a set of beliefs which includes practices, values, and assumptions about their work. The purpose of the study is to identify the relationship between the four (4) types of organizational culture (Clan, Adhocracy, Market and Hierarchy) and how it effects job satisfaction in Company XYZ which will then assist the management team to educate the needed culture which best suited to the organization growth. For measuring data regarding Organizational Culture, Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) was used, while as for Job Satisfaction data were measured by using a five-item scale operational job satisfaction instrument adapted from Wright and Cropanzo (1998). A quantitative survey method was applied in this study. 98 employees in the ABC department acted as respondent and SPPS software version 21 were used to analyze the data that collected. The findings of the study presented that there are positive significant relationship between Clan Culture and Job Satisfaction as well as a positive relationship between Market Culture and Job Satisfaction.
culture, job satisfaction