Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Language, Education and Innovation 2016

Women in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman

Gokdag, Ebru

Anadolu University, Turkey


This paper will examines how women are portrayed in modern American theatre. To narrow the subject, Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman is studied since the author is recognized as the father of contemporary American drama. Death of a Salesman is not only very popular in Unites States of America to the point that it is institutionalized in the public school systems but also in most parts of the world even today. Since theatre not only entertains but also educates it is worth looking into how women are portrayed in the world through this particular play. The popularity of this play unfortunately point out that the audience still considers the roles of women in this play to be a true and ideal representation of woman. Thus by producing this play especially in the public schools keeps reinforcing the negative image about women and teaches female audience male perception of how a women should be.


Arthur Miller, Women in Drama, Death of a Salesman

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