Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture and Education 2016

The Effect of Task Repetition and Focused Feedback on Students' Accuracy: A Case Study of Indonesian EFL Learners

Sya'baningrum Prihhartini, Sisilia S. Halimi

'45 Islamic University


This study aimed to investigate the effect of task repetition and focused feedback on students’ accuracy. The students’ language output that was investigated included: two writing tasks, one oral task, and one written post-test. Students’ writings and were analyzed and the level of accuracy was measured, which was based on the ratio of the correct use of the targeted structure. T-test for paired samples and ANOVA with Repeated Measure were used to see if there were any significant differences between the means. The findings found that learners with low writing skills were the ones who gained the benefits the most, which were shown from the improvement in sentence structure and the number of the target structure produced.


task repetition, feedback, accuracy, present verb, subject

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