Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture and Education 2016

Variation of Annotation Technique on Doctoral Dissertation at Gunadarma University

Yuhara Sukra, Ichwan Suyudi, Misdiyono

Gunadarma University, Indonesia


This study aimed to identify glossary by annotation techniques in quoting foreign scientific terms in their dissertation. Researchers can use a wide range of annotation techniques, such as the use of brackets, parentheses, or footnotes. Another annotation techniques used by researchers in the use of foreign terms is borrowing and endnotes. We further examine annotation techniques that used in citing foreign terms in their dissertation. The data source for this paper are dissertations of doctoral students in Economics program, Information Technology and Psychology at Gunadarma University. This study will result in preference of annotation technique for dissertation writing. The results of this study can be used as a reference of preference in using the technique annotations scientific terms by Indonesian students in general.


Annotation techniques, scientific terms, dissertation

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