Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language, Education, Humanities, and Innovation 2017

The Level of Language Learning Strategy Use and English Language Proficiency of English Major Students, Burapha University

Pawanrat Tangjui, Chalita Phibanchon

Burapha University, Thailand


The research primarily focuses on the level of language learning strategy use referring to the Oxford’s (1990) Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) and the level of English language proficiency. Also, this study aims at determining the relationship between the level of LLS use and the level of English language proficiency. 154 third-year English major students in the English and literature and business English tracks, Department of Western Languages, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Burapha University, Thailand, were the respondents of the study. The findings revealed that the students in both English and literature and business English tracks used language learning strategies at a moderate level (Mean = 3.40 and 3.33, respectively). As measured by the TOEFL ITP test, students in the English and literature track scored higher than those in the business English track. Finally, there was a positive weak correlation found between the level of LLS use and English language proficiency in both groups. The findings of LLS will give teachers a better understanding of learning methods of students, and teachers can also promote appropriate strategies to improve EFL students’ learning ability.


Language learning strategies, English language proficiency

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