University of Indonesia
This study aims to show the function of affixes –eum-, -eun-, and –eul- in Acehnese. The study examines all these affixes at the morphological and syntactic levels. The method used is qualitative. The result will be shown in descriptive. The data sources are the result of research that is done by Sulaiman, Durie, and Wildan. The study will do on the different viewpoint from previous research. The results show that 1) on the internal word. First, the affix –eum- forms a verb. The verb is formed from a basic verb (this is an inflectional process), a basic noun and a basic adjective (these are a derivational process). Verbs show the dynamic behavior. Affixes produce grammatical meaning that is 'mutually', 'repeatedly' and 'continuously'. Second, the affixes—eun- and –eul- form a noun. They show the static noun. The –eun- and –eul- only form the derivational process. The affix—eun- forms a noun that is formed from a basic verb, a basic noun, and a basic adjective. While the affix –eul- forms a noun that is formed from a basic noun and a basic verb. Productively, the affix -eul- is not productive morpheme, while the affixes -eum- and -eun- are productive morpheme. 2) On the internal clause, affix -eum- forms a single-argument verb. In the structure of the clause, known as an intransitive verb. The verb only need one argument that is functioned as a subject. Affixes -eun- and -eul- have two traits, first, can occupy argument functions in verbal clauses. Second, it can occupy predicate function in the nominal clause.
Function, affixes, morphemes, word, clause