Department of Teacher Training and Education Sebelas Maret University Ir. Sutami Street, No. 36 A Surakarta Central Java
With the respect of the development of English service demand, Indonesian government is now applying some language teacher professional development (TPD). One of them is Teaching for Indonesia. A good TPD need long preparation and effort including need analysis. By employing case study method, this research aimed to know the reason and method done by the English teachers in remote area to develop their professionalism. The data were collected from questionnaire and interview. This research revealed that self-monitoring (66,6 %) was the favorable method. It is then followed by action research (33,4 %). Teachers claimed that they use these methods because of the limited sources. In addition, most teachers claimed that professional development they did because the internal motivation instead of external intervention. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that teachers in remote area did professional development because of the internal motivation rather than the hard situation they face in completing their task.
Teacher professional development, remote area, motivation