Pamela Rogerson-Revell

Dr. Pamela Rogerson-Revell is an applied linguist with research interests in the areas of phonology and pronunciation teaching; English as an international language (EIL) and Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL). A co-author of ‘Teaching and Researching Pronunciation: Contemporary Perspectives’, she is currently leading the development of a MOOC, under a joint collaboration with Futurelearn.

Lance Knowles

Lance Knowles is an expert on the development and use of interactive language learning programs. As founder and long-time President of DynEd International, he has led the design of numerous award-winning courses and tests used by millions in over 70 countries worldwide. Mr. Knowles is the developer of Recursive Hierarchical Recognition (RHR), a brain-based learning theory for the design and of effective language learning programs.

JeongMi Um

Dr. Jeongmi Um is a faculty member and sociolinguist in the Faculty of Economics of KwanseiGakuin University, Hyogo, Japan. Her research interests cover the fields of sociolinguistics and comparative linguistics. She has authored various research publications and was invited as a visiting researching fellow at SOAS of London University, England in 2007 and Kyujangkak Research Center of Seoul National university in 2013.

Farzad Sharifian

Professor Farzad Sharifian was the Chair in Cultural Linguistics at Monash University, Australia. He was a leading linguist with a multidisciplinary background in cognitive science, anthropology and education. He was a pioneer in Cultural Linguistics developing a theoretical and analytical frameworks of cultural cognition, cultural conceptualisations, and language, which drew on analytical tools and theoretical advancements in multiple disciplines.

Emma Parker

Dr. Emma Parker is an expert on postwar and contemporary literature, especially women’s writing focusing on issues relating to gender and sexuality. She is a founder member of the Contemporary Women’s Writing Association and a former co-editor of the journal Contemporary Women’s Writing and winner of the Council of Editors of Learned Journals’ ‘Best New Journal’ award (2009).