Call for Papers

The International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, & Education (ICLLCE) is an inter-disciplinary forum discussing ideas, theories and research findings in the arts & humanities. This 19th edition of the ICLLCE series will discuss the post-pandemic period and how it will affect research in the fields covered by the conference series. Under the slogan “Research in Arts & Humanities: What will the next decade bring?”, the organizing committee cordially invites fellow academics and researchers to submit abstracts or full papers to be presented at the event.

Table of Contents
  1. Topics/Tracks
  2. Participation Categories
  3. Abstract Submissions
  4. Full Paper Submissions
  5. Presentations
  6. Publication

Topics / Tracks

  • Language
  • Literature
  • Culture
  • Education

Please click HERE for the full list of sub-themes under each of the above tracks.

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Participation Categories

  • On-Site Presenter
  • On-Site Audience/Delegate
  • Virtual Presenter
  • Virtual Audience/Delegate

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Abstract Submissions

Abstract submission is compulsory for both virtual and on-site presenters. All submissions must be performed online via the event’s web-based system. Click on the ‘Join Now button on the menu bar to start the registration/submission process.

All accepted abstracts will be featured in the conference program booklet. Presenters are advised to take into consideration the following requirements while preparing their abstracts:

  • Abstracts must be written in English or Malay.
  • Titles must be written with proper capitalization and must not exceed 15 words.
  • The body of the abstract must contain the following information:
    • objective/purpose/rationale of the study
    • research design/methodology
    • overview of findings/trends (expected or preliminary results if the research is still in progress)
    • any conclusion/interpretations/discussions that could be drawn from the result of the study.
  • The abstract text must be written in one continuous paragraph not longer than 300 words.  The use of numbered lists, bullet points or tables is not allowed.
  • The entire body of the abstract must be entered into the text field provided by the event’s online submission system. A Microsoft Word version of the abstract must also be uploaded using the file upload tool provided.

A SUBMISSION TEMPLATE has been provided for authors as a sample.

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Full Paper Submissions

The submission of a complete paper is compulsory in order for a research work to be published in the conference proceedings.

However, if an author is not seeking publication in the proceedings then the submission of a  full paper will not be required. If this the case, an abstract-only submission will be sufficient.

Please refer to the following table if you are unsure whether or not to submit a FULL PAPER:

SUBMIT a full paper if :DO NOT SUBMIT a full paper if:
  • publication in the conference proceedings is a requirement of the author/ employer/ sponsor
  • the exact same paper has been published elsewhere previously or;
  • publication in conference proceedings is not the presenter’s aim
How to Submit a Full Paper:
  • All full papers must be uploaded in MS Word format via the event’s paper submission system. Click HERE to access the system.
  • Authors are advised to download the conference’s official template to ensure that their papers meet the event’s formatting requirements.
  • Full papers (including all tables, figures, and appendices) must not exceed 15 pages long.  A fee of USD35 per page will be imposed for every additional page beyond this limit. A separate invoice will be issued to the author if this limit has been exceeded.
  • Presenters will be notified by email if their papers have been accepted. Acceptance notifications will normally come with suggestions and remarks from an anonymous reviewer. If a presenter wishes to modify the paper based on these comments, he or she must upload the amended version as a camera-ready paper via the online system.
  • IMPORTANT: Authors are advised against seeking publication in the proceedings if the exact same paper had already been published elsewhere.

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Once an abstract has been accepted, a presentation slot will allocated to its author. By default, only one author is allowed to deliver the presentation per paper. However, co-authors who wish to jointly present the paper may do so by registering and making payment as an individual delegate/listener at the event.

The event offers two modes of participation for research authors:

  • On-Site Participation
  • Virtual Participation
On-Site Presentations
Oral ON-SITE Presentations

In this category, presenters are given 15-20 minutes to present their work orally at the event venue.  An additional 5-10 minutes will then be added for Q&A. Unless given permission by the event committee, all presentations must be conducted in English or Malay.

Each session will be moderated by a session chair who will be appointed by the organizers.

For the benefit of the audience, the presentation should at least cover the following areas:

      1. The objective/purpose/rationale of the study
      2. Background/overview of the topic
      3. Theoretical framework
      4. Research design and methodology
      5. Overview of findings and results
      6. Conclusion/Discussion

Please be prepared with enough material to fill the time allocated to you. The use of visual aids (e.g. MS Powerpoint or Prezi) is compulsory.

Please take some time to read our PRESENTATION TIPS & GUIDELINES page before preparing for your oral presentation.

Presenters must be present in the hall to give their talks. However,  their presentations will be live-streamed so that it can also be viewed by virtual participants remotely.

Poster ON-SITE Presentations

On-site presenters can also present using posters as an alternative to oral presentations.

A special viewing and Q&A session will be held for presenters who had opted to use posters. Authors are expected to be present during this session to answer questions or provide explanations to visitors during the session.

All posters must come in A0 size i.e. 841mm x 1189 (portrait orientation). Please notify the event secretariat as early as possible if you need to use a different size or orientation to avoid any difficulties on the conference day.

Poster presentations are subject to the availability of presentation slots and physical space at the venue.

The event committee may request a change of presentation modes depending on the situation during the event.

Virtual Presentations

A VIRTUAL participation option has been made available to authors who are unable to attend the event physically.

In this category, presenters will be given 15-20 minutes to present their work live via Zoom Meetings OR using a pre-recorded presentation.

Five minutes will be given to each presenter as preparation prior to their session. An additional 5 minutes will also be allocated for Q&A. at the end.

Unless given permission by the event committee, all presentations must be conducted in English or Malay.

Each session will be moderated by a session chair who will be appointed by the organizers.

For the benefit of the audience, the presentation should at least cover the following areas:

      1. The objective/purpose/rationale of the study
      2. Background/overview of the topic
      3. Theoretical framework
      4. Research design and methodology
      5. Overview of findings and results
      6. Conclusion/Discussion

Please be prepared with enough material to fill the time allocated to you. The use of visual aids (e.g. MS Powerpoint or Prezi) is compulsory.

Please take some time to read our VIRTUAL PRESENTATION TIPS & GUIDELINES page before preparing for your oral presentation.

Presentations in this category will be live-streamed so that it can also be viewed by virtual participants remotely.

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All accepted abstracts will be featured in the conference program booklet. The booklet will be distributed to all participants during the event.  Virtual participants will receive their booklets via email.

Full papers that have been submitted and accepted for publication will be published in an issue of the Proceedings of ICSAI Conferences (POIC) e-ISSN 2682-7697 available online.

Selected authors will be offered an opportunity to be published in the International Journal of Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ISSN 2462-1846) by Selection of articles will be based a number of factors including, among other things, quality of research, originality, and style. Selected papers may be required to undergo further review and editing before the actual publication.

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