IJIRHSS subscribes to the APA format for academic writing. Failing to adhere to this format correctly may result in your paper be dropped from the review process.
Each manuscript must be less than 6500 words or 15 (A4) pages long including abstract, references and figures). All text must be double-spaced.
Please take note of the correct method in presenting tables and figures as suggested by APA. Avoid coloured diagrams unless it is deemed absolutely necessary to explain the concept being presented subject to approval by the Editor-in-Chief.
Papers must be written in English with clearly structured and competently argued ideas.
Manuscripts must be intelligible to a reader, even if he or she is not a specialist in the topic. They should be written in a direct and concise style with limited verbosity.
The publisher reserves the right to modify the typescripts to eliminate ambiguity and repetition and improve communication between author and reader.
Acronyms or abbreviations must be preceded with the complete form at least once before in the text. Authors are encouraged to be concise, avoid use slang, jargon, or uncommon abbreviations or phrasing.
Strictly avoid footnotes and endnotes.
Linguistically poor papers will be rejected outright. We encourage authors to seek assistance of a proofreader prior to submitting their first draft. If extensive alterations are required, the manuscript will be returned to the author for revision. ICSAI.org offers language editing and proofreading services at USD200 per paper.
Official Website of the International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Humanities and Social Sciences (IJIRHSS)