Dandy Maulana Akbar; Ahmad Dewa Gempur; Ahmad Zain Fahmi; Fani Eka Nurtjahjo
Universitas Islam Indonesia


Smartphones is one of the parts that cannot be removed from student daily life, smartphone addiction is related to social problems such as withdrawals, difficulties to carry out daily activities, or monitoring in self-control. Social problems in the form of intrapersonal problems such as low self-esteem or low communication skills, and interpersonal problems. Those received become one of the causes of difficulties in addiction.This research aims to determine the relationship between loneliness and smartphone addiction on collage students. The instrument for measure loneliness we used DeJong Gierveld Loneliness Scale by Gierveld (2006) with six items from emotional loneliness and social loneliness aspect and Smartphone Addiction Proneness Scale developed by Kim, et al (2014) with 15 items from aspect disturbance of adaptive function, virtual life orientation, withdrawal, and tolerance. Participants in this study were collage students involved 251 participants, with an age range of 18 to 25 years. The sampling is done by using purposive sampling method, the sampling technique using constraints and consideratons that selected samples relevant to the purpose of research. Data analysis in this study using Spearman rho correlation. Based on data analysis, there was a significant positive correlation between loneliness and smartphone addiction. Correlation analysis showed the coefficient correlation with r = 0.295 and p = 0.000 (p < 0.05). The higher Loneliness, the higher Smartphone Addiction, and the lower loneliness, the lower smartphone addiction.


Loneliness, Smartphone, Addiction, College Student.